Looking for Writings on Gender

I’m teaching a 100-level writing class and thought it would be interesting to use gender as the theme for all of the readings.  My background is primarily English, not gender studies, so I would appreciate some reading suggestions from the collective feministing brain.

Please keep in mind this is a 100-level English class. Most of these students are taking the class because they need an English credit, not because they’re interested in Gender Studies.  In other words, complex essays from Simone de Beauvoir or Judith Butler wouldn’t work. I’ve used newspaper colums, blog posts, published books and essays. I like to use readings that address current situations (say, Caster Semenya or Sarah Palin,) but I am open to classic works as well ("A Room of One’s Own.") I want to include writings on masculinity, so as to dispel the "this is just male-bashing" response.

So how ’bout it? If you wanted to introduce someone to the basic concepts of feminism and gender studies, what would you suggest they read? What writers, cloumnists and bloggers really speak to you?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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