Textbook Harassment

As many of you know, I recently wrote a post about how I was a victim of phone harassment and stalking. Well it does look like my stalker has moved on, at least for now, and the calls and texts have stopped. I still plan on changing my phone number (which is an annoying process since I’ve had the same number for soooo many years) and I am contemplating filing a restraining order against him (the only reason I say contemplating is because I know this process can be difficult and since he was never physically violent towards me it will make it harder).
But after I sent him a text message specifically telling him NOT to contact me, I was flooded with texts and calls from him. It got scary to tell you the truth. Even though he was stalking/harassing me via my phone, I was afraid. I packed a bag and headed to my parents’ house. Yes, he also knew where they lived but I figured if he came looking for me he’d first go to my apartment. So off to my parents’ house I went and I made sure to park a block away so if he came there looking for me he wouldn’t see my car in their driveway.
Anyway, like I said, I think he has given up. As far as I know he didn’t come looking for me (thank goodness!) and I haven’t received any more calls from him. But upon reading his texts and listening to the voicemails he left me it actually had me laughing (upon reflection, not at first). It was all just so textbook. He was doing exactly what stalkers/harassers/abusers do! He fit the mold perfectly!

I had texted him saying that he scared me and “do not contact me again.” His first text response, after calling me a total of 3 times directly in a row and leaving a few voicemails that I’ve since forgotten exactly what they said (something about how I was really stupid and being a bitch), was to try and insult me into talking to him again:
“I was trying to ask you why youre ‘scared’ and you cant even grow up and call me.”*
I did not respond. I guess I was not grown up enough to figure out how to dial his number. But nice of him to put the word scared in quotes. Is he trying to say I’m full of shit? Hmm…
Next, he figured he’d try a slightly different angle. This time he’d use our past as a way to guilt me into it:
“Bottom line im just trying to alk it out with outta respect for a friend…you. You can at least give me that kinda respect since i have the respect to care about you. I could hav been like the usual guy and treatd his like were worthless but im not going hat route. If you dont eve give me that respect (outside of testing) then youve just dissed yourself.”
Good one. Use the respect angle. He has so much respect for me that he’s called over and over and over again. And texted over and over when I’ve told him not to (that text, by the way, was 4 separate texts in 5 minutes). I wonder how much respect it equals to just show up at someone’s house uninvited after they’ve told you to leave them alone? That’s probably like a dozen respect points at least! But obviously I don’t respect him enough to even pick up the phone. Yup, I’m the bad guy here.
But no, I still do not respond. So again, time for another strategy:
“The creepy part is that you dont remember getting off of the train…You should handle those problems. Thought you changed…kinda think i’m wrong.”
Ah, brilliant! Trying to get me all angry. Incense me into calling him. Oh, have I disappointed you, oh stalker, with my drinking habits that evening? I better pick up the phone and tell him he has the wrong idea about me…
But alas, I did not respond to that either. And now, it really does all seem somewhat comical. Like he was following some kind of “Handbook for Stalkers: How to Get Them to Talk to You Again.”
Anyway, I just wanted to share my experience with the rest of you and thank everyone for their support. It really meant a lot to me. Also, if anyone is going through a similar situation, stay strong. I understand how scary these things are. I’m still scared, but it feels comforting, for me, to be able to laugh at this asshole’s idiotic attempts to try and get me on the phone.
*All of his texts are taken directly from my phone. All the spelling and grammar is his. Nothing has been changed. Also, when I said “do not contact me again,” that is also a direct quote from me.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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