Toplessness in Columbus, Ohio

I’ve been meaning to post for a while about how toplessness is legal in Columbus, Ohio, as I discovered after moving here and attending Comfest, a popular community festival.  

From page five of the Comfest guide, published under a photo of a topless woman: 

Yes, We Like Boobs A Lot

It’s nice to live in a city where it’s legal for women to go topless, and even nicer to have an event like this where it feels comfortable.  The flip side of all this niceness is a resolute commitment by Community Festival to intervene to stop any imposition on, or inappropriate behavior toward, women who choose to go shirtless.

In other words: chill dude.  They’re just boobs.

(Emphasis below title mine.)

Not only was it awesome to find out that I lived in a city where toplessness was legal for women, but I really appreciated this little excerpt in the guide. Nail on the head, don’t you think?

I thought this seemed especially relevant consider the recent scandals over foreign leaders’ cleavage.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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