Hilary Clinton in India – talking about her weight!

Here is an article about Clinton’s speech at the Univ. of Delhi from the New York Times.
Unfortunately, I do not intend to highlight the good diplomacy undertaken by Hilary Clinton on her speech at the University of Delhi. I have to point out this statement she made:

“I eat way too much of the food at every chance I get,” Mrs. Clinton said. “I have to go on a diet when I get back home, back to carrots and celery.”

(OK side note – WHY the HELL did the NYTimes have to refer to her as ‘Mrs. Clinton’?!?!?)
Really though? Even the SECRETARY OF STATE is required to make jokes about her eating habits…and indirectly, her weight? Great role model for young girls – eating carrots and celery after you’ve eaten too much – or more correctly, probably like a normal human being. This is crazy.
Even after all the great things she’s done! Even during an important diplomatic event, which sparked serious thought and questions from the audience – someone even asked her if she thought her gender affected her candidacy for President. But we can’t have a serious discussion with a woman in power without discussing weight. Without punishing ourselves.
Here’s another excerpt fro the NYTimes:

“The state of women’s rights worldwide remained a “mixed picture,” Mrs. Clinton said, though for herself, she would never have predicted, as a student leader, that she would someday become secretary of state or seek to run for president.”

But she did become secretary of state and she did have a historic run for president in the primaries. It may seem like an innocent, offhand comment, but the state of today’s girls and young women cannot be joked about. The reality is many of us focus too much on our weight and not enough on our accomplishments. I know I do.
Reading what Hilary said (oh,excuse me ‘Mrs. Clinton’ – barf) really upset me. Ive been thinking a lot about this issue anyways – it’s something I’ve struggled with and so it’s something I want to fight so other women don’t have to. And yet, the Secretary of State must diet when she returns home from a diplomatic trip.
It’s all too much for me.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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