Misogyny on the Internet

I write a mildly feminist, mostly pop culture and arts related blog.  Until yesterday, only people I knew actually read it regularly.  I’ve been getting quite a bit of positive feedback, and I want to keep blogging and maybe it’ll get big one day.

Last night, someone linked my blog on a thread on 4chan, and everything’s exploded.  I’ve got 900 page views and about about 600 diferent viewers since then.  Also, 13 comments on individual posts.

Of the blog comments, maybe half of them say anything worthwhile at all (though I may disagree).  The rest are trolls of the "make me a sammich" variety.  Of the posts in the 4chan thread, maybe 10% is worthwhile.

I fully realize that 4chan is the asshole of the internet.  But how do other feminist bloggers deal with that kind of shit?  I feel like the whole internet is watching me now- what do I do next?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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