Anti-Choice Scum Ruining Everyone’s Spring Break

Hi All. This is basically a rant.

I live on the Gulf Coast, and saw something really, really tacky and disgusting today.

Because of Spring Break, there have been HUGE air billboards flying back and forth across the beach. (A plane will basically tow a large banner in the air).So far we’ve seen Geico and some others.

Well the topic of today’s banner? ABORTION! That’s right folks. They had a (medically inaccurate since it was further developed) picture of a "10-week" fetus all hacked up. Bloody arm and whatnot. Perfect for kids everywhere to see.They also had their website which I don’t care to re-post, lest they get more hits.

If they REALLY, truly cared about reducing abortions they would have sponsored a condom ad or provided condoms for Spring Breakers.

I have a personal bone to pick with anti choicers because mostly..they are so god damn hypocritical.

I always wonder how many adopted children people have when they have outspoken bumper stickers (or here in FL, license plates! Barf!) that say how abortion is bad/wrong/you shouldn’t do it. They don’t tend to adopt a lot of kids and help people who couldn’t take care of them. They also tend to eat meat (which is a personal decision, but is by nature inherently NOT "pro life" and it certainly causes more suffering than the abortion of a 10 week fetus) and many tend to also not be against the death penalty. I’d have a lot more respect for them if they REALLY WERE pro-life in all forms. But they aren’t. 

This just gets me so mad. I don’t really think there’s anything to do about it since I don’t have the funds to hire my own ad. But seriously, these people should google and look up pictures of what happens to women when they are butchered by illegal abortionists.

Just wanted to say that WOMEN are people, too and I hope they are largely unsuccessful with their campaign.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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