10-Year-Olds Opinions of Planned Parenthood?

I’m in an acting class right now.  My classmates and I all created characters based on animals, and on Monday were having a big town meeting where we get together, in character, and debate an issue.  This year the issue is, Planned Parenthood is going to open a clinic in our town, and tehy’re going to offer abortion services and all of the other things Planned Parenthood does.  If we were debating this issue as ourselves, I would be very eagerly pro-Planned Parenthood.  As it stands now, I have no idea where I would place my character. 

My character is a precocious 10 year old girl, who won an essay contest and is at the meeting to read her essay on the subject.  I’m finding it so hard to disassociate myself from my feminist beliefs.  I keep thinking like a ten year old and I wind up on the con-Planned Parenthood side.  Is a ten year old balanced and thoughtful enough to leap on the "abortion = bad" train?  Is a ten year old sensitive enough not to be one of those, "if you got pregnant in the first place you gotta live with the blah blah blah?"

So any feminist moms or babysitters out there who can help me out, I’d really appreciate it.  I don’t remember what it’s like to be 10.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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