Women Finds No Comfort in Meaningless Sex, All Men Douchebags

This Salon article is so interwoven with stereotypes is seems less like a personal memoir and more like bad chick lit fiction.

All single men are gay, the ones who aren’t want younger women, married couples don’t have sex, she wants meaningful sex and to change the men she’s with, she likes cats and despises football and appreciates having the toilet seat down.  And, also, my least favorite part: "I adore men — they are so different from women — and I’m intrigued by the way they think."

There are a whole range of men out there, just like there are a whole of women out there.  While you can always point to a beer guzzling Neanderthal and a primadonna to make the case that men and women are worlds apart, I strongly resist the idea that men and women are like two different species.  We overstate and focuse on the evidence that confirms this idea rather than acknowledging that we have more in common than we don’t.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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