Palin Sexism Watch: C-Word Edition

So apparently a group of people who are anti-McCain/Palin showed up at a rally wearing these shirts:

Not exactly a new approach to “political discourse” about a female candidate. Sigh.

One of the shirt’s creators emailed Politico‘s Ben Smith (Emphasis mine.):

I personally am a registered Libertarian, supporting Obama this year. Palin is the last woman I want to hold a political office right now. Her lack of common sense, cruel treatment to animals, and just plain ignorance to what we (Americans, and even women) really care about is absolutely frustrating. The point of wearing the shirt to me is just a bold way of saying that she certainly is not liked or one of “us.” To play the gender card is irrelevant, because I am a woman who wears the tshirt anyway.

Whoa whoa whoa. The claim that “I’m a woman, therefore it’s okay for me to use anti-woman hatespeech” is ridiculous. There are plenty of civil ways to state your beliefs about Palin and her politics — and note that she does not represent all women or what’s best for them — without resorting to sexism. And no, just because McCain reportedly used this word to describe women doesn’t justify McCain’s opponents using it.

You know, it’s one thing for gag-gift companies (and other folks who don’t appear to give a damn about the outcome of the election) to create sexist products about Palin. I’m obviously against it. But it’s all the more maddening to me when I see self-identified Obama supporters pulling this shit. Please stop. You’re just making it harder for everyone who opposes Palin because of her stance on the issues.

(Oh, and a sidenote: Melissa has noted that, though the shirts are detestable, she’s chosen not to cover this because “It was a publicity stunt, and I’m not inclined to give them any more attention.” I get that. But I have to believe that a lot of the sexist incidents regarding both Hillary Clinton and Palin were, at their core, publicity stunts. And I see no reason to stop calling it out, even when it’s designed to bring attention to the idiots behind it. Also, the right-wing is going to claim (accurately) that Palin has faced sexism and (inaccurately) that the left was silent about it — so I’ll admit to feeling an obligation to call out these t-shirts.)

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