McCain on Gay Adoption

John McCain’s campaign managers are putting out fires everywhere. It seems that whenever McCain lets his true colors show and state his own personal opinion, he needs to ‘clarify his statements’ or his managers need to cover his tracks behind him. People get upset whenever McCain states his opinion; perhaps its because people don’t like his opinions. In an interview with the New York Times, McCain said that “he opposed allowign same-sex couples to adopt children. ‘I think that we’ve proven that both parents are important in the success of a family so, no, I don’t believe in gay adoption,’ he said.” First of all, you don’t ‘believe’ in gay adoption. You either support it or you don’t. He also said “that he wanted to encourage adoption and make the process easier, but that adoptive parents should be mixed-sex, traditional couples.” Rightly so, many civil and gay rights organizations criticized his remarks. In response to these criticisms, Tucker Bounds, one of McCain’s campaign spokespersons, said “John McCain could have been clearer in the interview in stating that his position on gay adoption is that it is a state issue, just as he made it clear in the interview that marriage is a state issue…He was not endorsing any federal legislation.” Mr Bounds continued stating: “Senator McCain’s expressed his personal preference for children to be raised by a mother and a father wherever possible…He recognizes that there are many abandoned children who have yet to find homes. John McCain believes that in those situations that caring parental figures are better for the child than the alternative.” So, McCain doesn’t believe in gay adoption until people get upset? I refuse to believe that he supports gay adoption at all, even if there are no other options. He wants all the nice white heterosexual couples to take his example and adopt these kids. Regardless of whether or not this is a state issue, the fact that McCain cannot keep his story straight and that he must issue corrections on every personal opinion he spouts off is disappointing and quite upsetting. 

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