Posts Tagged working mothers

Photo of the Day: Moroccan women protest Prime Minister’s call for them to stay at home

Apparently, the hypocrisy of social conservatives who blame all social ills ever on working mothers knows no borders.

Last week, Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane gave a speech urging women to basically get back in the kitchen like they did in the good old days. “Don’t you realise that when women went to work outside, the light went out of their homes?” he said. “We will continue to defend our position against this modernity that is trying to eliminate family in our lives by reversing the roles of men and women. To that we say ‘no!'”

Apparently, the hypocrisy of social conservatives who blame all social ills ever on working mothers knows no borders.

Last week, Moroccan Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane gave a speech urging women to basically get back ...

More moms are staying home but not necessarily because they want to

After decades of declining, the proportion of stay-at-home-moms has risen from a low a of 23 percent in 1999 to 29 percent of all mothers in 2012. Let the mommy wars commence!

JK. In fact, while many a trend piece would have you believe that all SAHMs are affluent, educated women who are choosing to stay home to care for the kids while their husbands work because feminism is a failure, the new analysis from Pew Research shows that’s decidedly not the case.

After decades of declining, the proportion of stay-at-home-moms has risen from a low a of 23 percent in 1999 to 29 percent of all mothers in 2012. Let the mommy wars commence!

JK. In fact, ...

Infographic: The Third Shift

Upworthy posted a great infographic, courtesy Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, about the challenges facing mothers who work in restaurants.

Want to work for change? Sign ROC United’s petition in support of the Fair Minimum Wage Act and check out their website for more information and action items.

Upworthy posted a great infographic, courtesy Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, about the challenges facing mothers who work in restaurants.

Want to work for change? Sign ROC United’s petition in support of ...

Deja Vu: The “retro wife,” 10 years later

New York Magazine’s recent cover story “The Retro Wife” has raised hackles here, there, and everywhere. At Feministing, we shared the smart thoughts of Shannon Drury of The Radical Housewife yesterday.

But this is hardly the first time a prominent woman writer has tackled the “opt out” subject. A decade ago, Lisa Belkin, now of the Huffington Post, wrote a feature story for the New York Times Magazine called “The Opt-Out Revolution.” She reported essentially the same thing as Lisa Miller did for New York. With time, though, Belkin has found some additional wisdom. And she wrote about it in a thoughtful reflection ...

New York Magazine’s recent cover story “The Retro Wife” has raised hackles here, there, and everywhere. At Feministing, we shared the smart thoughts of Shannon Drury of ...