Posts Tagged women’s wages

TODAY: Support restaurant workers who are #LivingOffTipsNY

One of my first jobs was at a restaurant inside a beat up casino in South Jersey that doesn’t exist anymore. I was one of two or three women who worked front of the house in a variety of shifts with a majority-male kitchen. I loved the job at the time because I could get a meal if I worked the right hours. Looking back, I’m apt to consider more closely how gender played into my experience of working as a tipped minimum wage young woman worker. 

One of my first jobs was at a restaurant inside a beat up casino in South Jersey that doesn’t exist anymore. I was one of two or three women who worked front of the house ...

Charts of the Day: Being in a union raises a woman’s pay by 12.9 percent

Hey ladies, you may need a PhD to earn as much as a dude with a BA, but being in a union could be worth a year of college in terms of a wage boost. According to a new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research, unionization has a big impact on women’s economic well-being. 

Hey ladies, you may need a PhD to earn as much as a dude with a BA, but being in a union could be worth a year of college in terms of a wage boost. According ...

Urge your senators to vote for the Paycheck Fairness Act!

Tomorrow, the Senate is set to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA), which would update, strengthen and close the loopholes of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal for employers to pay men and women unequal wages for the same work. As our own Zerlina reports, the PFA “would prohibit employer retaliation, allow workers to join class action lawsuits, as well  as ensure that the victims received back pay from discriminatory employers.  For some women the difference in pay for a man that does the same job can add up to $24,000 dollars a year in lost wages and nearly $431,000 over the course of a lifetime.”

Of course, Republicans are expected to vote against the radical, ...

Tomorrow, the Senate is set to vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act (PFA), which would update, strengthen and close the loopholes of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, which made it illegal for employers to pay ...

Infographic: Women still make less money!

If you’re one of those people worried about the collapse of traditional society and nostalgic for the days when women knew their place… you probably won’t be reading Feministing. But if you did, you’d be thrilled to see this infographic from The National Journal, showing that women make less than men — they even make up 44% of the workforce!

If you’re one of those people worried about the collapse of traditional society and nostalgic for the days when women knew their place… you probably won’t be reading Feministing. But if you did, you’d be thrilled to ...