Posts Tagged trolls

Tuesday troll alert: Boy, I sure hope Todd Kincannon is single!

I can sort of see why this dude wouldn’t get the invite to the GOP retreat at the totes awesome plantation in Virginia back in January.

I mean, perhaps some folks in the GOP were thinking about what it would mean to empower someone like that who displays such sensitivity, really in touch with the zeitgeist. Or perhaps they thought after losing the 2012 elections, and recognizing the pluralistic reality of the American electorate, that this dude, the ‘honey badger of American Politics,’ (Kincannon’s actual Twitter bio) might be off message. This guy is so not helping in the effort to re-brand the Grand Old Party. While we can see this tweet as the troll bait it really is, yet ...

I can sort of see why this dude wouldn’t get the invite to the GOP retreat at the totes awesome plantation in Virginia back in January.

I mean, perhaps some folks in the GOP were thinking about ...


Friday Feminist Fuck You: Hunter Moore

This is Hunter Moore. When he was broke and sitting on his parents’ couch in Sacramento, he founded the now-defunct site Is Anyone Up so he and his buddies could “post pictures of girls we were fucking at the time.” It grew to be an infamous “revenge porn” site where users submitted nude photos of their exes before shutting down amid legal troubles earlier this year.

Now he’s back with a new site that is basically the same–but worse. While the user-submitted photos on Is Anyone Up included the person’s name and links to social media profiles, the new site will also include a field for exact address.

In case it was at all unclear that the point of this new feature is to ...

This is Hunter Moore. When he was broke and sitting on his parents’ couch in Sacramento, he founded the now-defunct site Is Anyone Up so he and his buddies could “post pictures of girls we were fucking at the time.” ...
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