Posts Tagged stretch goals


Thanks to your support Feministing #TimesTen is funded! Here’s what we’ll do with our $50k stretch goal

Wow. You are all amazing! You helped Feministing #TimesTen reach its $30,000 funding goal within two weeks, and the numbers keep climbing. So far, over 700 backers have given an average pledge amount of about $40, showing that our community can do truly amazing things when we come together. I agree with what Jos tweeted yesterday:

Feministing #TimesTen‘s success shows me the feminist internet is full of great ppl who lift up & support each other

— Jos Truitt (@jostruitt) December 3, 2013

To that end, we’ll be riding out the next two weeks to get all the funds we can. We’re adding a stretch goal ...

Wow. You are all amazing! You helped Feministing #TimesTen reach its $30,000 funding goal within two weeks, and the numbers keep climbing. So far, over 700 ...