Posts Tagged self-promotion

Call for submissions: The Feminist Utopia Project

The feminist movement has long centered on certain basic needs: the vote, equal pay, legal autonomy over own bodies. It can feel hard to demand more when we’re stuck within the boundaries of what the mainstream media and electoral politicians tell us is “realistic”–basically, what could get through a fractured House of Representatives. But our goals have to be more radical and inclusive than the Democratic party’s platform. So it’s time to get creative.

For the past many months, my awesome friend Rachel Kauder Nalebuff and I have been working on an anthology bringing together visions of feminist utopias expressed in essays and printable art. To create a better future, concrete action is required, but the first step is envisioning the feminist ...

The feminist movement has long centered on certain basic needs: the vote, equal pay, legal autonomy over own bodies. It can feel hard to demand more when we’re stuck within the boundaries of what the mainstream media ...