Posts Tagged schools

School bans boy from using My Little Pony bag because it’s a “trigger for bullying”

This story is totally enraging. It’s almost funny but it’s heart-breaking. It’s the story about a school which overtly sanctions bullying and punishes the student who gets bullied; a school which condones violence but prohibits the use of a My Little Pony bag. It’s a story of official and institutionalized victim-blaming, gender-policing, cowardice and cruelty.

This story is totally enraging. It’s almost funny but it’s heart-breaking. It’s the story about a school which overtly sanctions bullying and punishes the student who gets bullied; a school which condones violence but prohibits the use ...

The next Prop 8? Opponents submit signatures to repeal transgender students’ rights in CA

In August, California passed a law to protect public school student’s rights to participate in activities like sports and use facilities based on their gender identity. This is an important and groundbreaking step to make sure trans and gender non-conforming students have full access to the public education that is there right. So of course religious conservatives are trying to repeal the law, because coming after our children is clearly the Christian thing to do.

In August, California passed a law to protect public school student’s rights to participate in activities like sports and use facilities based on their gender identity. This is an important and groundbreaking step to ...

Chicago public schools to incorporate sex education into kindergarten curricula

As a Chicago native and product of Chicago Public Schools (CPS), I was extremely proud to hear that amidst all of the epic fails that is CPS, this fall they are incorporating sex education into their kindergarten curricula! For 30 minutes per month, which is not enough time in my humble opinion, kindergartens will engage in age appropriate learning related to sex and human relationships.

Freaking out? Worried that they’re teaching the babies about condoms, birth control, and ejaculation? Are you concerned with protecting the innocence of Chicago 5 year olds? Worry not! Age appropriate sex ed curriculum is just that, content suitable for the comprehension of said age group.

“Officials with Chicago Public School (CPS) will insist the curriculum will ...

As a Chicago native and product of Chicago Public Schools (CPS), I was extremely proud to hear that amidst all of the epic fails that is CPS, this fall they are incorporating sex education into ...

New Study: Sexual harassment prevalent in grades 7 to 12

The New York Times reports:

Nearly half of 7th to 12th graders experienced sexual harassment in the last school year, according to a study scheduled for release on Monday, with 87 percent of those who have been harassed reporting negative effects such as absenteeism, poor sleep and stomachaches.

On its survey of a nationally representative group of 1,965 students, the American Association of University Women, a nonprofit research organization, defined harassment as “unwelcome sexual behavior that takes place in person or electronically.” Over all, girls reported being harassed more than boys — 56 percent compared with 40 percent — though it was evenly divided during middle school. Boys were more likely to be the harassers, according to the study, and ...

The New York Times reports:

Nearly half of 7th to 12th graders experienced sexual harassment in the last school year, according to a study scheduled for release on Monday, with 87 percent of those who have ...

Arkansas School Board Member: “The only way im wearin (purple)…is if they all commit suicide”

Two news items from yesterday:

1) The Department of Education sent out a letter to schools that “clarifies the relationship between bullying and discriminatory harassment,” observing that since homophobic bullying is gender-based, it violates the law, and schools must address and prevent it.

2) A school board official in Arkansas (Clint McCance) declared on Facebook that wearing purple to honor GLBTQ youth is stupid, because all “queers” should commit suicide.

Two news items from yesterday:

1) The Department of Education sent out a letter to schools that “clarifies the relationship between bullying and discriminatory harassment,” observing that since homophobic bullying is gender-based, it violates the law, and ...