Posts Tagged #NotOneMore

The Feministing Five: #FreeMarichuy’s Olga Tomchin

Marichuy Leal Gamino, 23, has been detained at the for-profit ICE center in Eloy, Arizona for over a year. A trans woman forced into a men’s facility, she has faced sexual harassment and threats from men. Despite her efforts to report these threats to the facility guards, she has no received protection and was recently raped by her cellmate.

After reporting her assault, Marichuy was pressured into signing a document saying that the assault was “consensual.” After reaching out to external organizing groups like the Transgender Law Center, Arcoíris Liberation Team, and the Puente Movement, she was involuntarily placed into solitary confinement.

#FreeMarichuy has assembled a coalition of over 70 LGBTQ and immigration rights activists to, ...

Marichuy Leal Gamino, 23, has been detained at the for-profit ICE center in Eloy, Arizona for over a year. A trans woman forced into a men’s facility, she has faced sexual harassment and threats from men. Despite ...