Posts Tagged newsletter

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Want the inside scoop on all things Feministing? Sign up for our newsletter!

The Feministing newsletter delivers news, analysis, and snark to your inbox, keeping you up-to-date and informed on feminist happenings and ways to take action. We know Feministing is more than a website — it’s a community — and we’re working to make some big improvements to our newsletter so that it’s the best it can be for our community.

We’re taking our bi-weekly newsletter to once a week and adding new insider-y goodness. Courtney Baxter, who puts together the Weekly Feminist Reader, will also be compiling feminist highlights to share from around the web. Newsletter subscribers will also receive advance invitations to in-person Feministing meet-ups and other exclusive content. This ...

Want the inside scoop on all things Feministing? Sign up for our newsletter!

The Feministing newsletter delivers news, analysis, and snark to your inbox, keeping you up-to-date and informed on feminist happenings and ways to take ...

The Feministing Newsletter is back!

It’s been, err, a while, but we’re finally relaunching the Feministing newsletter!

The newsletter is one way to keep up with our content right in your inbox. We’ll highlight some of our favorite posts for the week, in case you missed them. And don’t worry, we won’t sell your email or spam you. Just one email a week, we promise.

Use the “subscribe” tab in the right sidebar to add your email to the list. (If you were signed up before, you still are!) It’s underneath the “take action” tab.

The first edition of the new newsletter will go out later today.

It’s been, err, a while, but we’re finally relaunching the Feministing newsletter!

The newsletter is one way to keep up with our content right in your inbox. We’ll highlight some of our favorite posts for the week, in ...