Posts Tagged natural disasters

Trump throws paper towels into a crowd

Trump’s Atrocious Behavior Towards Puerto Ricans Is Nothing New

On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria swept through Puerto Rico, leaving 3.4 million people without power and with scarce access to potable drinking water and food. Two weeks later, less than 50% of people can access clean water and only 5% have power

On September 20, 2017, Hurricane Maria swept through Puerto Rico, leaving 3.4 million people without power and with scarce access to potable drinking water and food. Two weeks later, less than 50% ...

What We Missed: International Transgender Day of Remembrance Edition

Trans activists meet at the White House today to discuss the state of transgender rights.

The National Black Justice Coalition launched its #BlackTransProud campaign.

Find out what Day of Remembrance events are happening near you–in the US. and worldwide.

A message to cis allies from s.e. smith: “What we’re asking for is your solidarity and your willingness to work with us for a better world.”

Dr. Ziegler explains why centering race in trans advocacy is crucial.

HuffPo marks the day with a celebration of “50 Transgender Icons.”

And in other news…

Clinton heads to Gaza.

On the heels of a U.N. report naming Pakistan as one of the worst countries for children’s education, the country’s National Assembly passed a bill ...

Trans activists meet at the White House today to discuss the state of transgender rights.

The National Black Justice Coalition launched its #BlackTransProud campaign.

Find out what Day of Remembrance events are happening near you–in the US. ...