Posts Tagged health at every size

Nutritionist to the Stars on Assumption Overload

Oz Garcia has an article on Huffington Post this morning titled “Normal Weight: Our Definition Is Shifting.”

Oz Garcia, makes me want to bash my head into a wall.

He may be the “Nutritionist to the Stars,” but he is using his platform to hurt people, not help them.

The study uncovered an interesting trend: the more overweight the women, the more overweight their children tended to be. This goes to show that children lead by example and how important it is for parents to strive to live healthy lives so that their children can, in turn, internalize the importance of overall wellness.

Let’s unpack just this paragraph, shall we?

Oz Garcia has an article on Huffington Post this morning titled “Normal Weight: Our Definition Is Shifting.”

Oz Garcia, makes me want to bash my head into a wall.

He may be the “Nutritionist to the Stars,” but ...