Posts Tagged Fu Yuanhui

Fu Yuanhui

A Chinese Woman Thanks Fu Yuanhui: Let’s Talk Periods & Sexual Freedom

Editor’s note: Some of the external links in this piece are in Chinese. You will need to use your browser’s translation function to read them.

Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui (傅园慧) became a media darling when she mentioned her period after the women’s 4x100m medley relay in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Fu’s period comment should be a huge deal. She has provided her fellow Chinese women the rare opportunity to reevaluate and dismantle centuries-long sexist beliefs surrounding women’s sexuality — including a nationwide fetish with women’s virginity (also known as chunv qingjie, 处女情结), and the taboo topic of menstruation.

Editor’s note: Some of the external links in this piece are in Chinese. You will need to use your browser’s translation function to read them.

Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui (傅园慧) became a media darling when she mentioned ...