Posts Tagged Economy

The attempted eviction of Occupy: A round-up

Over the last week or so, we’ve seen an effort to forcibly evict occupy protests around the country. These efforts reached their peak when NYC Mayor Bloomberg ordered police to forcibly evict the original occupiers at Zuccotti Park in NYC early this morning.

I feel saddened by the destruction of an incredible community. I feel disgusted by the police brutality demonstrated in these evictions (from Portland to Oakland to NYC). I feel enraged by further proof that the state, and by extension, the police, have the best interest of the wealthy and powerful in mind, rather than the majority of people.

I also feel that whatever happens to the physical spaces of the occupy movement, the effects of this incredible organizing will ...

Over the last week or so, we’ve seen an effort to forcibly evict occupy protests around the country. These efforts reached their peak when NYC Mayor Bloomberg ordered police to forcibly evict the original occupiers at Zuccotti ...

Men in the “creative class” make nearly twice as much as women

That staggering stat comes from a new study explored in the Atlantic on the rise of women in the creative class.

Click for larger image.

Now, members of the “creative class” have it pretty nice. They have jobs that pay 60% more than average and that they’re less likely to lose during this unemployment crisis. Women in the creative class, who make an average of $48,077, are doing a lot better than many other people. But they are also making a whole $33,932 less on average than their male counterparts. Even controlling for differences in hours worked and education, men out-earn women by $23,700 or 49.2 percent in the creative class.

The study also broke the data down ...

That staggering stat comes from a new study explored in the Atlantic on the rise of women in the creative class.

Click for larger image.

Now, members of the “creative class” have it pretty ...

Occupy Wall Street eviction postponed after thousands join protest

Yesterday afternoon, news was flying around that the Occupy Wall Street contingent would be removed from the park today at 7am for cleaning. This message was sent by the private management company that owns the space, but allows it to be open to the public. The OWS crew has sparked this incredible national movement, with similar protests around the country.

Because of a serious call to action yesterday, thousands showed up at OWS last night and this morning to show support for the protest and prevent the eviction. The OWS team created cleaning crews in an attempt to clean the park themselves (the owners claimed conditions were unsanitary). Allison Kilkenney has the full story for The Nation about what ...

Yesterday afternoon, news was flying around that the Occupy Wall Street contingent would be removed from the park today at 7am for cleaning. This message was sent by the private management company that owns the space, but ...

Occupy Wall Street eviction postponed after thousands join protest

Yesterday afternoon, news was flying around that the Occupy Wall Street contingent would be removed from the park today at 7am for cleaning. This message was sent by the private management company that owns the space, but allows it to be open to the public. The OWS crew has sparked this incredible national movement, with similar protests around the country.

Because of a serious call to action yesterday, thousands showed up at OWS last night and this morning to show support for the protest and prevent the eviction. The OWS team created cleaning crews in an attempt to clean the park themselves (the owners claimed conditions were unsanitary). Allison Kilkenney has the full story for The Nation about what ...

Yesterday afternoon, news was flying around that the Occupy Wall Street contingent would be removed from the park today at 7am for cleaning. This message was sent by the private management company that owns the space, but ...

What main street doesn’t know about Occupy Wall street

(pic via the Gothamist)

On September 17th, 2011 thousands of protestors marched on Wall street. Their demands were as diverse as their constituents, including everything from banning the death penalty to ending poverty. What seems to be missing from this rather dedicated action is any serious mainstream media coverage.

Fair asks, “What if Wall street was occupied by the Tea Party?,”

But you wouldn’t know much about any of this from the corporate media–outlets that seem much more interested in protests of the Tea Party variety.

The anti-corporate protests have been lightly covered in the hometown New York Times: One piece (9/18/11) largely about how the police blocked access to Wall Street, and one photo (9/22/11) with the caption “Wall Street ...

(pic via the Gothamist)

On September 17th, 2011 thousands of protestors marched on Wall street. Their demands were as diverse as their constituents, including everything from banning the death penalty to ending poverty. What seems to ...

46.2 million Americans live below the poverty line

According to the Census Bureau, the majority of Americans are truly suffering in this downturn economy. Figures released yesterday reflect that last year saw another 2.6 million people slip into poverty, bringing the grand total estimate to 46.2 million people, the highest number in the 52 years that the Bureau has been reporting.

But it’s not just those officially below the poverty line that are struggling. Median household incomes have fallen to levels last seen in 1997. Economist Lawrence Katz told The New York Times: “This is truly a lost decade. We think of America as a place where every generation is doing better, but we’re looking at a period when the median family is in worse shape than ...

According to the Census Bureau, the majority of Americans are truly suffering in this downturn economy. Figures released yesterday reflect that last year saw another 2.6 million people slip into poverty, bringing the grand total estimate ...


Appalling wage decreases and persistant gender gap for recent college graduates

While our country’s leadership is indecisive about the best way to deal with the high unemployment rates, research is showing us the chilling reality that not only has the wage gap between genders not gone away, but recent college graduates are making less and less in wages.

Via Daily Kos a study from the Economic Policy Institute (accompanied with the above graph) tell us,

After gains in the 1980s and particularly in the 1990s, hourly wages for young college-educated men in 2000 were $22.75, but that dropped by almost a full dollar to $21.77 by 2010.  For young college-educated women, hourly wages fell from $19.38 to $18.43 over the same period.  Now,with unemployment expected to remain above 8% well ...

While our country’s leadership is indecisive about the best way to deal with the high unemployment rates, research is showing us the chilling reality that not only has the wage gap between genders not gone away, ...

Since when do spending cuts equal job creation?

The political sphere has been so frustrating lately. The horrific midterm election brought into Congress waves of ultra-Conservative politicians with no real political strategy. Couple that with a never-ending recession, and it’s a political nightmare.

All they can talk about is “job creation” but all they can do is try and pass draconian spending cuts and abortion restrictions. I agree we need job creation and economic stimulus–when almost 10% of Americans are out of work, you bet we need more jobs.

But what does that have to do with spending cuts? Cuts on programs that improve the lives and health of Americans (saving money down the line) and, wait for it, EMPLOY PEOPLE. Lots of people. Mostly women, and many ...

The political sphere has been so frustrating lately. The horrific midterm election brought into Congress waves of ultra-Conservative politicians with no real political strategy. Couple that with a never-ending recession, and it’s a political nightmare.

All they can ...

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