This one is a favorite, baby.

The horrendous title, We’ve Gone the Wrong Way, Baby: Feminism’s Proud Destruction of Mankind, is worth mentioning alone.
I just had to throw this piece into the anti-feminist boiling pot. Apparently, we’re now turning our children into gangbangers and drug users. Sweet!

“Female Empowerment” was the shameful fantasy. Now for the harsh reality. Sisters, your babies are killing each other. They are having babies at younger ages and in record numbers in a desperate search for that unconditional love they couldn’t find in the myriad of minimum wage babysitters and daycares they had growing up. They are turning to gangs and drugs to ease the pain of loneliness and the longing for Mommy-a longing which is innate, necessary, and good-and it is our fault. Our children are suffering; their tender feelings have waxed cold and all signs of humanity are dying off in agonizing death throes, and we women are the cause. Women. The givers of life have turned against their own offspring in a vain quest for self-fulfillment. It is madness.

Madness, indeed.
NOTE FROM JESSICA: My favorite part of her bullshittery:

My all time favorite saying about the power women possess was revealed by author Samuel Johnson in the 18th century: Nature has given women so much power that the law has very wisely given them little. Now before feminists start ripping tendons and ligaments with their typical knee-jerk reaction to this example, look again. This is a statement and recognition of the power and strength men recognize within women-power they envy, strength they admire, and tenderness they crave. This is a statement of respect and recognition for women, not belittlement.

See ladies, you don’t need any political power because you’re naturally powerful. Women shouldn’t vote cause, hey, we already have uteruses.
UPDATE: Jill points out that our friendly anti-feminist author has some, uh…interesting, opinions on race.

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