Ring Thing

I don’t wear my wedding ring. For the most part I don’t wear it because I don’t wear jewelry (except earrings sometimes) and things constricting or touching my wrist or fingers bothers me. A lot. If someone wanted to make me freak out they’d just have to grab my wrist. I also, maybe this is a very small part, don’t feel like putting up with the whole “omg you’re married! You look so young! (I am)…what’s it like to be married…etc. Since I’m a university student I get these questions soooo often if someone sees my ring on the rare occasion I wear it.

Doesn’t mean I don’t love him or whatever, he doesn’t wear his ring either as he finds it uncomfortable too. I also dislike forms that ask for marital status because I don’t think I’m defined by it. I also go by Ms. only although I took did change my name because I really liked his and do not feel attatched to mine for personal reasons.

Now, I know I really shouldn’t give a shit what people think or say, but it’s just mostly annoying dealing with it. And I never really know how to respond without being snarky. Yes, i know I’m young…I was 19 when I married…so what? I partly got married so both of us could go to school (immigration bs…don’t get me started on our country’s policies…) and really, if we love each other what’s wrong with it? Unfortunately, again, most people consider it their business to ask me these questions, and even to question why I got married so young. Some have gone so far as to ask if we “had” to get married, if you get my drift.

I’m involved with many feminist groups on campus, and generally I
still get the same thing from many of them! In fact, it seems as if I
have to “excuse” myself in a way for being married very young and being
a feminist! Forget that my hubby and I are both putting each other
through school and he is a feminist and totally awesome…

Ok on to my actual reasoning in posting this aside to rant a bit
about why people feel the need to butt into people’s business about
whether or not there is a ring on a woman’s finger (for ANY reason).
I’d like to get a tatooed ring which I think will be cool, but
obviously that will only appease the comfort issue of wearing the ring
and not the idiots who butt into my business.

Anyone have similar situations where people are nosy about
marital/relationship status? Any ideas on how to nicely respond to
questions I get anytime someone finds out I am married?

The most common are:

“Oh my god you look so young! How old are you?

“Do you have kids then?”

“What’s it like being married so young? Don’t you miss out on fun
stuff?” (not sure what fun stuff you can’t do being married…lol)

etc etc…

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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