Bras: Yea or Nay?

This might seem like an unusual post, I’ve not been reading Feministing for terribly long. But, on the subject of bra’s: To wear them or not?

I ask because I’ve always been taught that you MUST wear a bra. I see them worn in outfits which clearly show them, which frankly always looks awful.

This was horribly reinforced by a girl I went to school with. When changing after PE one day, she nastily (and loudly) said “Geez, Sonja, put on a bra!”.

I’ve never been well-endowed, so at the time, I didn’t feel it was really necessary. Apparently I was wrong, so I started wearing them all the time.

I never got over the complex. I always found bras uncomfortable, not to mention hard to find in my size. It only got worse after secondary school and I gained weight everywhere else.

It all reached a head after I became engaged. I was faced with the fact that I would never be able to wear the kinds of gorgeous gowns I always wanted for my wedding as I didn’t have the chest for them.

So, I decided that I would finally act on something I’d considered before and get breast implants. My (now) husband insisted I do plenty of research and make sure I was going to be happy with the choice, but never opposed the decision.

And I went through with it. I’ve never looked back, either.

I’ve got a bit off-track now, but with the help of my husband, I’ve been able to fairly confidently go out in public without a bra. This is in spite of comments from my mother, and what I believe other women would think based on the comment I got in highschool.

What about you? Do you think they’re really as necessary as they’re made out to be? Do you wear them? If so, all the time or just sometimes?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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