Bowling for Abortion Access: Frame Two!


See, I know bowling lingo.
You may or may not have read about how the New York Feministing crew has created a team to kick some ass at the National Abortion Access Bowl-a-thon at the end of the month. (Feministing bowling shirts, anyone?) Well, the New York Bowl-a-thon has just upped their fundraising goal from 10K to $15,000, and the pressure is on to raise the rest of this money and give New York women an opportunity to afford the reproductive care they deserve.
To give you an idea of the urgency of these funds, just last week the New York Abortion Access Fund gave out $2,545 to low-income women. In just one week.
The good news is that thanks to your awesome contributions so far, we’ve raised over $600! But we’ve got a ways to go; we need to reach our team goal of $3,000 by April 26th — so help your feminist bloggers out and donate to our cause! (Our honor as bloggers and attempted bowlers depend on it.)

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