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“Just the assistant” or “administrative professional”? Perceptions of office workers

A SYTYCB entry

I am a grad school dropout.  I suppose more technically, I went in planning on a Ph.D and left with just an M.A.  Either way, my life plan of being a career academic faded in graduate school.  After four years as a grad student and teaching, I recently moved to a new city to try something new.  I signed up to be a temp and…  my first assignment, funnily enough, was to fill in as an administrative assistant in a university department.

It’s been very strange to be on the other side of the academic world, and it’s made me examine a lot of the attitudes our culture has about “assisting”, what kinds of work and production we value, and how these relate to women’s issues.  Over 90% of secretaries and administrative assistants in the US are women, and it’s one of the top occupational categories for women. 

David’s Bridal has no “Person” section

This year, I proposed to my kick-ass awesome ladyfriend.  I have been happily jaunting through wedding blogs in search of color themes, DIY ideas, and venues ever since. We have a tiny budget, and can’t get married in either of our home states or our current state (thanks, constitutional amendments!).

The most unexpected “problem” in our big gay wedding, however, has not been worrying what people will think when only one of our three “bridesmaids” wears a dress, or having to ask each potential vendor if they’re gay-friendly (and crossing them off if there is even a tiny pause in their answer).  The most unexpected problem has been what to wear.

I am not the “dreamed of her big ...

This year, I proposed to my kick-ass awesome ladyfriend.  I have been happily jaunting through wedding blogs in search of color themes, DIY ideas, and venues ever since. We have a tiny budget, and ...