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Play nice or get out

Cross-posted from Art of the Possible
Lots of drama, (via). Okay, let’s start at the beginning with some vocab: “cis” or “cisgender”, (if I am understanding it correctly by way of context as well as this post on Feministe), means that your genetic gender and the way your mind perceives itself gender-wise match up; cisgender people are people who are not transgender or otherwise gender-queer. For a lot of people (including those who are offended by the term), being cis means you are “normal”, and I think that perception is what’s causing a lot of the drama in Feminist Bloglandia. For some reason, some people just don’t understand that pluralism applies to everybody. If we get to live in a pluralistic society and have whatever sexuality we feel is normal or natural, that means everyone else does. And it doesn’t stop at sexuality or religion or racial issues, it extends to gender. The funny thing is that feminism started as a gender issue, yet radical feminists are the last people to get on the gender-plurality bandwagon, and stop being assholes to people whose gender doesn’t fit in with the binary gender our culture has forced upon us because our biology (mostly) limits us to one or the other.The issue is that some feminists think that trans women aren’t women. They get offended at the idea of a woman who was born male using the women’s restroom. They think ...

Friday Feminist Fuck You: Ron Reagan

Liberal talker Ron Reagan (son of the president, brother of the right-wing wacko talker) rarely evokes the bullshit moralism traditionally associated with the political party of his now-sainted father, but today was another story all together.
Today Reagan had Steven Hirsch, co-chairman of Vivid Entertainment on to discuss Vivid’s offer of $1,000,000 to Nadya Suleman for being in a single pornographic movie. The question Reagan intended to get answered was

“is Hirsch being a good [sic]humanitarium and helping this woman or is he a sleazeball who is out to make money off of someone’s unfortunate circumstances?”

But frames it in such a way that no one with any possible amount of self-respect would do pornography. Fuck you, Ron Reagan.”How would you ...

Liberal talker Ron Reagan (son of the president, brother of the right-wing wacko talker) rarely evokes the bullshit moralism traditionally associated with the political party of his now-sainted father, but today was another story all together.
Today ...

Okay, I take it back — it’s not news, it’s CNN

Cross-posted from Art of the Possible .

In light of the fact that Christmas and New Years are over and it is now time to move on to the next corporate holiday (Valentine’s) we have this fun little article care of Frisky via CNN (via Salon Broadsheet ). Headline, "Why women shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ first ". Was your first thought, as a woman "well, if I don’t say it, who will?" Well, you’re naive.

"…but at the risk of having my feminist card revoked, I think it’s naïve for a woman to utter those three little words before a man does."

Why is that, Wendy?

"And the truth is, it often takes men longer to get there ...

Cross-posted from Art of the Possible .

In light of the fact that Christmas and New Years are over and it is now time to move on to the next corporate holiday (Valentine’s) we have this fun ...

Equal Rights today! Equal Rights tomorrow! Equal Rights forever!

In the 50s and 60s, the Civil Rights movement galvanized around the Black community. In the late 60s and 70s, women got into the movement in a more serious way, and in the late 70s and 80s (especially after the AIDS epidemic began) gay people got into the movement in a more serious way. But ever since then, there’s been a debate about whether gay rights is a civil rights issue.

It is. Period. I’m sorry to have to break this to you, but being gay isn’t any more of a choice than being straight. I never chose to be heterosexual anymore than my sister chose to be homosexual. Ergo, this argument that "gay rights isn’t civil rights, cause being ...

In the 50s and 60s, the Civil Rights movement galvanized around the Black community. In the late 60s and 70s, women got into the movement in a more serious way, and in the late 70s and 80s ...

Friday (tattooed) Feminist Fuck You: Ms. Liz Jones

Oh yes, to be sure, "good girls don’t get ink" is an old old OLD line. Those who further wanted to shame those of us who get tattoos came up with the term "tramp stamp" for those tattoos that skinny, slutty women overwhelmingly get on their lower backs.

I’ve even had my dragon called a "tramp stamp" because people who have never seen me in person (or are unable to understand what "high waisted" means) seem to think that that dragon in the middle of my back is in fact on my lower back.

Frankly, it’s offensive.

But, as a loud, foul-mouthed, unabashedly sexual, heavily drinking, porn-loving liberal feminist, I’m pretty used to being told I’m not a "good ...

Oh yes, to be sure, "good girls don’t get ink" is an old old OLD line. Those who further wanted to shame those of us who get tattoos came up with the term "tramp stamp" for ...

Friday Feminsit Fuck You: racists

I’ve got my dander up. Way. Way up.
I know I’m a white(ish) person who has never been randomly followed or searched in a store because of the color of my skin. I’ve never been pulled over for driving-while-black. I’ve never experienced a lot of the things that those with darker skin than mine have experienced, but I still get really fucking pissed off when I hear about it happening or see it on the goddamn news.
This week, not only has Senator, and I use the term very loosely, called Barack Obama “that one” (Southern code for the n-word, or so I hear), but there are fuckers out there actually galling to call Senator Obama a “fucking n****r”, “terrorist”, ...

I’ve got my dander up. Way. Way up.
I know I’m a white(ish) person who has never been randomly followed or searched in a store because of the color of my skin. I’ve never been pulled over ...

The Fleecing of the American People

Is the media going to stand by and let this happen? I fucking hope not. So far, the news results are encouraging. And while you can’t exactly expect everyone to read the article on Alternet "10 Things You Should Know About Bush’s Trillion Dollar Fleecing Plan ", (to steal a turn of phrase from Shark-fu) a bitch can tell a news article is important when it’s on the front page of Yahoo, (see screen shot — NYT article linked from the Yahoo homepage here .)

Is the media going to stand by and let this happen? I fucking hope not. So far, the news results are encouraging. And while you can’t exactly expect everyone to read the article on ...

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