Posts Written by BradMillersHero

“Get into a new vampire saga with a completely different twist.”

Thats the tagline of an advertisement I saw for a really shitty sounding new tv series… apparently its a musical too (?).

Heres the horrible Wikipedia article on it:

Why are so many new shows (not just stupid sounding, but) so misogynistic and stereotyped? Isn’t Hollywood supposed to be coming up with not super old and worn out storylines (of the dominant male character chasing after the hot but innocent chicks who are all submissive and don’t do much, and plus the sweet guy who actually cares about the hot but innocent chicks and will come gallantly to her rescue).

Okay, its an I-tunes series. I don’t know what that means, but I guess its like a TV series… that’s why I tagged it television, I don’t know… But still, its offensive, and to an idiotic degree. 

It was the 19th century that Engels wrote The Origin of the Family and etc… and women’s suffrage was what, 80-90 years ago, and the women’s lib movement was 50 years ago. Isn’t it about time that people get it into their heads that women aren’t weak, helpless and hapless virgins with large tits and need a male to complete/save them? 




How to respond to the claim of jealousy

You all know how it goes: the second a female passes judgement on another female that some male(s) somewhere find attractive, that first chick is just a jealous and insecure bitch. 

With the advent of the Megan Fox hoopla, I was quite confused about the whole situation of a woman who apparently (no way did I pay money to see Transformers, ha) couldn’t act being popular- especially since she couldn’t really be popular for her looks, since she wasn’t even a natural beauty like Marilyn Monroe (who could sing and act course) or something. 

While plauged with ennui, I searched for an answer. Every where I went, here were the two types of answers from people:

1. You are totally right.

2. You are ...

You all know how it goes: the second a female passes judgement on another female that some male(s) somewhere find attractive, that first chick is just a jealous and insecure bitch. 

With the advent of the Megan Fox ...

American Apparel again

American Apparel ad banned in the UK for potentially sexualizing a person who appeared under 16.

Check out the link- she does certainly look to be more near 12.

Now, of course, we all know American Apparel has alot of sexualizing and exploitative ads, like this one, this one (nudity), this one, this one… list goes one. Look some more up if you want.

wait! you say. Lets not jump to conclusions, shall we? Of course not.
Maybe this company is just trying to ignore the prudish avoidance from
sex and nudity in the media, right? Lets find some of their male ads.

American Apparel ad banned in the UK for potentially sexualizing a person who appeared under 16.

Check out the link- she does certainly look to be more near 12.

Now, of course, we all know American Apparel ...