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“This is a Catholic country”

A women in Galway, Ireland has died of septicemia after being denied an abortion that could have saved her life. The women requested numerous times for the pregnancy to be terminated but was at one stage told “This is a Catholic country”.

“Rachel Donnelly, a spokeswoman for pro-choice campaigners in Galway said: “This was an obstetric emergency which should have been dealt with in a routine manner. Yet Irish doctors are restrained from making obvious medical decisions by a fear of potentially severe consequences”

I just feel so terribly sad for the husband. The loss of the wanted pregnancy would have been sad to deal with, but it’s something they could have overcome together. Now he is left without a wife simply due to politics and ridiculous interference from religion.

Outrageous Victim Blaming & British Student Protests!

I realised this probably isn’t entirely a feminist issue but I am so shocked and outraged by this that I had to comment on it.

The BBC interviewed a man who is wheelchair bound due to cerebral palsy (clip here). The interviewer, who the BBC are defending, repeatedly asks the man multiple times if he in anyway provoked armed policemen to drag him from his wheelchair across the road. The man explains early in the interview that he doesn’t have the use of his arms, but the interviewer (Ben Brown) continues to ask him questions that insinuate he provoked the police to do this to him.

The BBC have defended this as “asking challenging questions” to the man, as they would ...

I realised this probably isn’t entirely a feminist issue but I am so shocked and outraged by this that I had to comment on it.

The BBC interviewed a man who is wheelchair bound due to cerebral palsy ...

Raped woman is jailed!

Seriously WTF?!

This is just unbelievably insane. I hope something can be done to appeal the decision to imprison this woman.

She is raped by her husband numerous times, lays a charge, retracts the charge and when the police say they won’t drop it she then is forced to say she lied. Eventually she comes forward and says she made a false retraction and again admits she was raped…. so they jail her for perverting the course of justice?!

Seriously WTF?!

This is just unbelievably insane. I hope something can be done to appeal the decision to imprison this woman.

She is raped by her husband numerous times, lays a charge, retracts the charge and when the ...