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Pop Music and Gender Roles

Lately, I’ve noticed an alarming amount of pop songs (usually R & B or rap ) about the idea of (temporarily) switching gender roles. At first, I get REALLY excited, until I listen to the whole song and decide that it is superficial at best, and at worst it reinforces these stereotypes more than it honestly questions them. I know that pop music isn’t expected to change the way our society thinks about gender and that I probably have my hopes up because I listen to so many less known artsits that seem to put more thought into their lyrics, but I feel that a huge opprotunity is being missed with these attempts.

Two new songs that fit this current trend, ...

Lately, I’ve noticed an alarming amount of pop songs (usually R & B or rap ) about the idea of (temporarily) switching gender roles. At first, I get REALLY excited, until I listen to the whole song ...

Help me respond to this Pro-life Student!

Hello to the glorious community…I need your help.
I wrote an op-ed piece for my school newspaper (SMU) about women’s rights and Sarah Palin and how I felt after watching the VP debate on campus.
I received a surprisingly respectful email from a pro-life student. I responded to him just as respectfully. He then unleashed what I think is the entire, complete anti-choice Manifesto upon me. I am so overwhelmed by his rhetoric and self-righteousness, but I don’t want to write back without some advice ESPECIALLY because he thinks his argument is air tight.

Hello to the glorious community…I need your help.
I wrote an op-ed piece for my school newspaper (SMU) about women’s rights and Sarah Palin and how I felt after watching the VP debate on campus.
I received ...