Posts Written by rebelgrrrlitaliana

Sexyshock: Ode to an Italian feminist network

A SYTYCB entry About a year ago I bought an issue of Feminist Review, entitled “Italian Feminisms.” It was a really great issue, but I read and forgot about it for a while. I found it again recently, and re-read a piece on Italian feminist organization/network, Sexyshock.
A SYTYCB entry About a year ago I bought an issue of Feminist Review, entitled “Italian Feminisms.” It was a really great issue, but I read and forgot about it for a while. I found it again recently, ...

A SYTYCB entry — Dear Taylor Cotter: A Rebuttal

For those who may not have read it, there is a piece going around that The Huffington Post published written by a young woman named, Taylor Cotter. The piece is aptly titled, “A Struggle of Not Struggling“, and it has received a lot of criticism because it drips with privilege. When I first read it, I felt like crying out of anger. I’ve calmed down since then.

For those who may not have read it, there is a piece going around that The Huffington Post published written by a young woman named, Taylor Cotter. The piece is aptly ...

“You’re no fun”: Living sober at 26

**Trigger warning**

I live my life pretty soberly–no drinking, no drugging, etc. It has been difficult at times explaining this to people, or hanging out with people who do take part in this behavior. Tellings someone, “I don’t drink because I was raped by an ex who used alcohol as a way to weaken my defenses” isn’t always something I feel I can say (if ever). My relationship to alcohol has always been fairly negative. I grew up with my mom being a drug and alcohol counselor, so I would often hear horrendous stories. My mother stopped drinking quite some time ago, when she became a Buddhist. My dad rarely drinks, as he says he’s “too sensitive” for it. Therefore, alcohol was ...

**Trigger warning**

I live my life pretty soberly–no drinking, no drugging, etc. It has been difficult at times explaining this to people, or hanging out with people who do take part in this behavior. Tellings someone, “I don’t ...

When your rapist’s name drives past you

Sometime last week, I was walking with my boyfriend around town on a warm, sunny day. A large truck passed by us, and I glanced at it for a second, and turned back. I did a double-take, because I noticed that this truck happened to have my rapist’s last name on it.

I was in a moment of disbelief. I had a second of panic and dissociation. I then was brought back to reality by my boyfriend saying something. I didn’t tell him what I saw. I didn’t tell him what just happened. I tried to just let it go. Of course, I can’t let anything go–especially something like that.

In that moment of seeing my rapist’s (and ex-boyfriend) name, our entire ...

Sometime last week, I was walking with my boyfriend around town on a warm, sunny day. A large truck passed by us, and I glanced at it for a second, and turned back. I did a double-take, ...

Positionality & Politics of Location

According to Padma Lakshmi, “I don’t get up in the morning thinking, ‘I’m an Indian’ or ‘I’m a woman’ or ‘I’m a person of color’ or ‘I’m this or I’m that.’ I get up thinking, ‘Alright, what can I do to accomplish what I find interesting in the world?’ I never start from a place of my ethnicity or my gender, I start from a place of ambition and just curiosity about the world I live in and enthusiasm for being active, mentally and physically.”

I have to say, reading this quote on Jezebel today really irked me. Can one really remove, or ignore certain positionalities for how they exist in the world? Can we simply deny the politics ...

According to Padma Lakshmi, “I don’t get up in the morning thinking, ‘I’m an Indian’ or ‘I’m a woman’ or ‘I’m a person of color’ or ‘I’m this or I’m that.’ I get up ...

I dated a porn addict

I dated a self-identified porn addict.

After dating for a couple of months, he admitted to me that he was a recovering pornography addict. I was quite shocked, even though I didn’t know what being a pornography addict entailed. I felt nauseous, but I didn’t show this because my then boyfriend was extremely emotional when telling me. He was crying uncontrollably. I sat, listened, and tried to console him. I asked him how he knew he had an addiction, and he said that he used to go online at work and look at pornography every day. I commended him for his honesty and his ability to talk to me about this. I didn’t know what to do or say so I just ...

I dated a self-identified porn addict.

After dating for a couple of months, he admitted to me that he was a recovering pornography addict. I was quite shocked, even though I didn’t know what being a pornography addict entailed. ...

Olive Grrrl Popstars & Blonde Ambition

(initially posted here)

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.

Madonna. Lady Gaga. Gwen Stefani. These women all come from strong Italian roots (that they often talk about). They are all natural brunettes, but dye their hair peroxide blonde. They all became famous after they dyed their hair.

I take issue with this. Why does there have to be so many damn blonde popstars, especially ones who routinely discuss their Italian background? Why dye your hair blonde? To fit in? To be like everyone else? To be “subversive” in some backwards way?

I’m not saying that there are no natural blonde Italians out there; there are. Duh. But, come on! They are feeding into the hair color hierarchy of our culture/society. These ...

(initially posted here)

I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately.

Madonna. Lady Gaga. Gwen Stefani. These women all come from strong Italian roots (that they often talk about). They are all natural brunettes, but dye their ...

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