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Definition of Wife: “Washing, Ironing, F***ing, Etc.”

So I was just looking for Feminist groups on Facebook tonight (after just joining Abolish Abstinence-Only Sex Education–thanks for the mention in The Purity Myth, Jessica).  One group that caught my eye was War Against Feminists.  Of course, I’m naturally curious… so I looked.

Whether these guys (actually, most of the members, around 100, are girls) are being serious or not, I thought it was kind of ridiculous.  There are many comments (including the “definition” of wife that I used for the title here) about women being “objects” and “bitch stop you’re bitchin’ and get back in the kitchen!”  Seriously?  One girl even said that feminists “need to shut the fuck up.”  Lovely.

And there was a comment about joining another group, the Meminists (original, right?).  So I went to the Meminist page and was looking at more women should be beat/why is she out the kitchen/why don’t women need to wear watches jokes when I noticed this comment.  I’m not even going to edit this dude’s terrible grammar and spelling.  I thought you might get a kick out of it too.

Misogyny on ‘Wife Swap’

I’m new to this blogging deal, and I want to share with everyone some misogyny I witnessed today on the television.  I was actually reading Jessica’s Full Frontal Feminism (which is amazing, by the way) while ‘Wife Swap’ was on the tv.  I’m reading, okay, not really paying attention to the show, until one of the husbands on the show said this: “A woman is like a puppy dog.  You give her a treat when she does something right.”  I looked up from my book and said, “What?!”  Of course this guy is a complete control freak.  And he thinks that women are dogs.  That’s what he said.  We’re just like dogs.  Now, I love puppies.  They’re cute, soft, and ...

I’m new to this blogging deal, and I want to share with everyone some misogyny I witnessed today on the television.  I was actually reading Jessica’s Full Frontal Feminism (which is amazing, by the way) while ‘Wife ...