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My Response to Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh is an ass who thinks that the more sex you have, the more birth control pills you need to take. He thinks women who need birth control are sluts and if the collective “we” has to pay for contraceptive care, then the collective “we” should get to watch videos of girls having sex. He thinks a woman, who speaks on behalf of a friend who lost an ovary because she was denied access to contraceptives, should have parents who are ashamed of her.

As a former employee of Clear Channel, I am disgusted that they let him get away with this behavior. I have seen shock jocks fired for less than what Rush has done. As far as I know, he has not even been reprimanded. And he continues his attacks on Sandra Fluke.

Let me add that Sandra Fluke is a brave and strong woman and someone who probably did not expect to be the spokesperson for this movement, but is handling it with dignity and grace.

So here is my point and it’s a little bit selfish of me to even say. All of these people are coming out and saying things like “why should I pay for your birth control?” and “why should I subsidize your sex life?” I want to point out one little thing.  I have no children and have no intentions of having children. Yet I pay taxes which go to the Department of Education and to state and local boards of education ...

Seriously? Contraceptives?

The recent uproar about women’s rights and healthcare makes me feel like I am back in the 1950’s. Birth control is a non-controversial issue, or at least it was until Newt Gingrich, in early February, latched on to the fact that the Obama administration had mandated that birth control be covered at no co-pay as basic health care by insurance providers (which the Obama administration announced in mid-January.) It took a while for the GOP to take hold of the issue and blow it out of proportion. They cried that it violated the first amendment, the freedom of religion because while it exempted churches and places of worship from having to provide the coverage, it did not exempt religious businesses ...

The recent uproar about women’s rights and healthcare makes me feel like I am back in the 1950’s. Birth control is a non-controversial issue, or at least it was until Newt Gingrich, in early February, latched on ...


I am sure that by now everyone is sick of hearing about it.  But I am a 33 year old woman with endometriosis who uses birth control.  I just plain do not get enough sex for me to qualify that I also use the birth control for the stated purpose of “birth control”.  When I see these men in Congress putting up amendments that give employers the opportunity to take my ACCESS to one of the three main types of treatment away from me (the other two being multiple surgeries or hysterectomy), I am sickened.  My employer does not have the right to tell me that I can not get treated for a disease that I have.

It’s 2012.  Why are ...

I am sure that by now everyone is sick of hearing about it.  But I am a 33 year old woman with endometriosis who uses birth control.  I just plain do not get enough sex for me ...