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Blow to my Self-Esteem

New to blogging, and all I can really say is ’I’m sorry’. I have literally 27 years worth of things dying to explode. As a person that everyone comes to when they have an issue, need advice or just want to vent, I rarely get a chance to unload…ever. So all of these weird (and I do mean weird) thoughts that flood my brain on a daily basis and have me questioning my sanity have to go somewhere. Here is as good of a place as any. Hopefully I can put my ramblings to the universe (read-internet) and see if anyone will say either that they’ve been there or that I need to seek professional help.

S0. That being said, here is weird thought #1 looping through my brain (and please excuse any graphic content- I occasionally lack a filter):

Why am I so threatened by my husband watching porn? Why does it kill my self esteem and make me want to harm him while he is sleeping? I mean, masturbating is normal. I get it. Sometimes you just need to have an O and get on with your day. But he does it, I know it, and its kind of killing me. If I’m being truthful, I bet I can figure out the why.