A Woman’s Superpower – Transformative Anger

Although serene silence reveals no outward sign, certainly an incandescent flash can be seen from outer space. Trumpets announce the otherwise imperceptible millisecond everything changes and the angels give each other high fives nodding their hallowed heads in agreement. Heaven approves and directs the winds to support the new changes as they play out.

Enveloped in the quicksand of despair and indecision; every choice is bad and will bring more pain. Do nothing and time and gravity will pull you under. Struggle to escape and the dangers are multiplied exponentially. A rope, a sturdy branch, a helping hand, anything to grab hold of and pull and pull for your life but there is nothing, just you.

Inventory the mixed bag of inner resources; what can be cooked up? Abuse and demoralization will raid the pantry and leave out of date lime Jello, a stale Nilla wafer and capers. Better than nothing.

Perhaps a golden spiral staircase is just outside of peripheral vision. Squint, relax, breathe, say “please” three times and then turn suddenly before it moves. Nope. Nothing.

What to do, what to do?

Pray for wisdom, seek counsel, tiptoe your mind from thought to thought, from plan to plan. Whisper your basic human rights in your own ear. Nothing to grab? Grab yourself and feel the fierceness of that embrace.

Only inches from demise, from erasure, knowing the landscape will recover as if it never witnessed the battle for your freedom. The oppressor approaches with an outstretched hand and words of hope and promise but pushes rather than pulls. Time stops, colors intensify, the air fills with the scent of ozone and pennies; you think your heart is breaking but it is only an exoskeleton falling away to reveal a stronger more expansive engine. That engine revs up and engages all that is left of your strength for one last effort.

In that fraction of a moment your hair and bones and blood speak for you; they bellow and chant “NO MORE!” A tiny slab of bedrock appears underfoot. As you regain your balance, you cast a prayer “in addition to a sense of humor and creativity, I implore heaven to grant me clarity and courage.”

Sleep so deep eyes are crossed upon waking. Blink, blink, blink and all is clear. You dreamt of flying. It occurs to you there is another way out of quicksand; levitation! Near death experience sights and sounds while floating above the fray. As you rise, the tiny grains of sand blow away in a billion directions and land softly elsewhere. All piled upon you, it was a monster but each grain alone is truly less than a speck; inconsequential.

Your heart takes up a new chant with the sound of your own voice singing “I Am Enough!” Unfettered feet skip and dance toward all that is authentic and true and real. The adventure begins anew protected by the rule of love and charity. All are welcome to approach but only the true of heart may join you on your journey.

From outer space, you can be seen far below gazing up to wink at heaven.


Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Friend & Kind Stranger

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