The Feministing Five: Lori Brown

Generally, when I find myself using the word “space” within feminist conversations, I usually mean Space, a type of catch all phrase that includes “community,” “culture,” and any theoretical premise I’m pretending to have learned in undergrad.

Luckily for us though, Lori Brown explores how feminists can use design, buildings, public policy, and politics to create feminist atmospheres — in actual spaces. Along with being a feminist architect extraordinaire, she is an Associate Professor at Syracuse Architecture, and author of Feminist Practices

We spoke with Lori about the importance of architecture when it comes to abortion clinics, women’s shelters, and public space at large. By far one of our most fascinating conversations of late, this interview will leave you ...

Generally, when I find myself using the word “space” within feminist conversations, I usually mean Space, a type of catch all phrase that includes “community,” “culture,” and any theoretical premise I’m pretending to have learned in undergrad.

Luckily ...

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Yup, pretty much.

The police violence we aren’t talking about.

“Rape victims act like victims,” and 17 other false myths about sexual assault.

The NFL updated its domestic violence policy. Some thoughts about what it means.

Let’s get more statues of women in New York’s Central Park.

Why Senator Gillibrand doesn’t need to name names.

“I will not ever believe that the university is acting in good faith to protect survivors until I see perpetrators kicked off campus.”

Yup, pretty much.

The police violence we aren’t talking about.

“Rape victims act like victims,” and 17 other false myths about sexual assault.

The NFL updated its domestic violence policy.

Afropunk fashions: bodies as resistance

One of my favorite things about the AFROPUNK fest – besides the music, obviously – are the fashions. It’s legit the best outfit-watching of the year, and the festival is full of gorgeous people getting really creative with the ways they get dressed.

One of my favorite things about the AFROPUNK fest – besides the music, obviously – are the fashions. It’s legit the best outfit-watching of the year, and the festival is full of ...

Feministing Readz: Kim Gordon’s Is It My Body?

Rock star and role model Kim Gordon is best known for her band, Sonic Youth, but she’s also always been a visual and performance artist. For those who know Gordon primarily as a musician, “Is it My Body? Selected Texts,” a collection of her writings on art and performance published this past May by Sternberg Press, is intriguing. At the same time as Sonic Youth was reshaping the New York art scene in the ‘80s and ‘90s, Gordon was writing, in a refreshingly flat prose style across multiple genres, about the liminal spaces between art and music, object and performance, pop sensibility and post-medium/post-punk formations, masculine and feminine. Some of her texts are ...

Rock star and role model Kim Gordon is best known for her band, Sonic Youth, but she’s also always been a visual and performance artist. For those who know Gordon primarily as a musician, “Is it ...

Friday Feminist Fuck Yeah: California legislature passes “yes means yes” bill

Huge congrats to California anti-violence activists! Yesterday, the state’s legislature passed a bill that would require affirmative consent on college campuses. The bill now awaits Governor Jerry Brown’s approval to become law. The New York Times reports:

State lawmakers on Thursday passed a bill that would make California the first state to define when “yes means yes” while investigating sexual assaults on college campuses. . .

Sen. Kevin de Leon, D-Los Angeles, said his bill would begin a paradigm shift in how California campuses prevent and investigate sexual assault. Rather than using the refrain “no means no,” the definition of consent under the bill requires “an affirmative, conscious and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity.” Earlier versions of the bill ...

Huge congrats to California anti-violence activists! Yesterday, the state’s legislature passed a bill that would require affirmative consent on college campuses. The bill now awaits Governor Jerry Brown’s approval to become law. The New York Times 

Daily Feminist Cheat Sheet

Amy Poehler speaking truth.

A woman was punched in face for telling a man to stop groping her.

Fox News hosts defend street harassment: “Let men be men.”

In Spain, hundreds of protesters decked city hall with bras after the city’s mayor warned men to be wary of false rape accusations.

Australian model Meaghan Kausman slams Fella Swim for photoshopping her: “My body is a size 8, not a size 4. That’s my body!”

Faculty Against Rape is working to get “more faculty involved in sexual assault issues on campus, and to protect faculty members who experience retaliation for doing so.”

Let’s hope the era of the post-clinic abortion is right around the corner.

The ...

Amy Poehler speaking truth.

A woman was punched in face for telling a man to stop groping her.

Fox News hosts defend street harassment: “Let men be men.”

In Spain, hundreds of protesters

Women being deported back to life-threatening conditions in Latin America are fighting back

For months now, we have been hearing about the “immigrant crisis” that is causing thousands of women and children to flee the violence that is wracking parts of Central America (and that is rooted in U.S. interventions in Latin America). This crisis has increased human rights violations in the detention system and given the U.S. government the excuse to deny women and families the due process they deserve in seeking asylum. But these women and the civil rights groups and volunteers supporting them aren’t having it, and it seems that politicians just might be listening.

For months now, we have been hearing about the “immigrant crisis” that is causing thousands of women and children to flee the violence that is wracking parts of Central America (and that is rooted in ...

Do you know your Nose Punching Limit?

“Without making the victims responsible for what happens, one of the groups that have to be trained not to drink in excess are women. They need to be in a position to punch the guys in the nose if they misbehave. And so part of the problem is you have men who take advantage of women who drink too much and there are women who drink too much. And we need to educate our daughters and our children in that regard.”

— Dr. Stephen Joel Trachtenberg, President Emeritus and current Professor of Public Service at George Washington University

Got that, ladies? You need to remain sober enough at all times to be capable of punching a dude in the nose. ...

“Without making the victims responsible for what happens, one of the groups that have to be trained not to drink in excess are women. They need to be in a position to punch the guys in ...

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