A long way to go: YouTube top comments smear feminism

Trigger warning: rape apologetics & endless logical fallacies, stupidity, and failure to understand basic morality ahead.

I watch the online news/commentary show The Young Turks on YouTube. I enjoy Cenk Uygur’s fiery political commentary and some of the more offbeat stories the show does. Sometimes I even post comments. However, whenever the show covers anything about women I see the most disturbing anti-feminist commentary. Take this top comment I saw on the video “Seth MacFarlane accused of sexism at Oscars“, and my responses:

You saw it right there. Make a misrepresenting smear of the word feminism, get cheers & hoots by the ignorant teenagers and unthinking “men” (yes I use that word loosely) who frequent the YouTube comments section. Please help me fight the good fight…downvote the stupid comment and upvote my comments: here and here. (The one that got “too many negative votes” was the one where the stupid MRA said “truth hurts”…a duplicate essentially.) 

On another video “‘Infidelity Phones’ Help Men Cheat in Japan“, the top comment (downvote that too) trashes co host Ana Kasparian: “Ana is such a feminist …….of course men are the only ones who cheat.”

And I’m also battling Daniel Tosh defenders on the TYT video “Daniel Tosh rape joke apology.” Hell I even got the top comment for a week or so, before the mindless Tosh fans began pushing stupid replies at me and downvoting my comment:

“Well, guess what? TWO women “got raped by like 5 guys”, in Delhi and Steubenville. The rapist boys/their friends were LAUGHING in the S-ville rape video leaked by Anonymous. Tosh would rather keep his cash flow from his ignorant teenager and low-IQ “men” fans, so he won’t acknowledge the irresponsibility of his loose, cheap mouth.

Choose your mindset: let Tosh/his ilk keep contributing to America’s dehumanization of women, or gain a conscience and moral compass.”

Followed by this load of stupidity:


If we are to convince mainstream America to start respecting women again, we’ve got a long way to go when most people in this nation are so stupid they cover their ears and sing “LALALALALALA” whenever their patriarchal views get the slightest bit challenged AND make stupid “victim card”/”man hater” arguments. My question is: is it really worth it trying to debunk strawman bull$#!+ like you’ve seen here?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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