
How to deal with a mansplainer starring Hillary Clinton in gifs

Sometimes you don’t realize how #bawse somebody is, until you make it into a gif.

So after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton smacked down the Senate and the House yesterday, it occurred to me that what made it magical is that it is an instructional video on how to deal with a mansplainer. And of course, any good tutorial needs to be broken down into gifs for emphasis.

Ladies and gentlemen, “How to deal with a mansplainer starring Hillary Clinton.”

Step 1: Raise your hands up like, “Whoa you guys you can’t be serious.”

Step 2: Make sure to emphasize your points by counting with your hands so that simple tea party Senator mansplainer understands.  Mansplainers like visuals.

Step 3: No, seriously. Fuck this guy.

Step 4: Raise your hands up like, “What’s your point?” and clown the mansplainer for not having an actual relevant point.

Step 5: When Senator John McCain calls you combative and proceeds to rant endlessly, nod with a sly smile.

Step 6: Take the time McCain spends ranting to reorganize the pages in your binder.

Step 7: Rearrange all of the random crap on your desk.  You can never be too organized when getting grilled by angry white dudes.

Step 8: When the rant continues on and on look at the mansplainer with a *blank stare* and put your hand on your chin like, “Are you still talking?”

Step 9: Go home and do this.

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