Bringing Sexy Back?

So there’s a new attempt by conservative folk to rebel against what they see as cultural standards on sexuality, and they attempt, according to their website, to “spread [their] propaganda like it’s Soviet Russia”  I’ll give you a hint: their new form of sexuality doesn’t involve anything kinky.

That’s right!  They’re “bringing sexy back” by advocating for monogamous sex within marriage without the use of birth control.

This website offers a myriad of (mis)information about the growing HIV rate and the dangers of hormonal birth control (it causes breast cancer, didn’t you know?).  Interestingly, I read through a few of the studies they cited in their article about the ineffectiveness of condoms in the campaign against HIV, and found that the study they cited didn’t even confirm most of their points.

Well, I’d personally like to bring scientific literacy back.  Although they don’t take too kindly to critiques of their research on their webpage, there have been many comments on their facebook page that cite the inaccuracy of their information.  So, if you feel like fighting some propaganda (their word choice, not mine!), head over and show them some love.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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