Anti-choice Mississippi lawmaker: Sure, women may turn to coathanger abortions “but hey…”

You almost gotta respect how anti-choicers in Mississippi are totally upfront about their goals. I wrote recently at Mother Jones about the new law that’s basically custom-designed to shut down the state’s only abortion clinic.

And now here’s State Rep. Bubba Carpenter bragging about how they’ve found a way to “literally” stop legal abortion in Mississippi without messing with Roe v. Wade. And what do you think about the “poor, pitiful women” who are forced to turn to coathanger abortions, Bubba? “But hey, you have to have moral values.”

Via RH Reality Check. Transcript and more context at the Maddow Blog.

St. Paul, MN

Maya Dusenbery is executive director in charge of editorial at Feministing. She is the author of the forthcoming book Doing Harm: The Truth About How Bad Medicine and Lazy Science Leave Women Dismissed, Misdiagnosed, and Sick (HarperOne, March 2018). She has been a fellow at Mother Jones magazine and a columnist at Pacific Standard magazine. Her work has appeared in publications like,, Bitch Magazine, as well as the anthology The Feminist Utopia Project. Before become a full-time journalist, she worked at the National Institute for Reproductive Health. A Minnesota native, she received her B.A. from Carleton College in 2008. After living in Brooklyn, Oakland, and Atlanta, she is currently based in the Twin Cities.

Maya Dusenbery is an executive director of Feministing and author of the forthcoming book Doing Harm on sexism in medicine.

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