Mitt Romney thinks voters have no memory

Yesterday, in typical “post-primary step all over my victory with a gaffe” Mitt Romney fashion, Eric Fehrnstrom, Romney’s campaign spokesman told CNN that by the general election Romney will be able to “hit a reset button” and stated that it’s “almost like an etch-a-sketch you can kind of shake it up and start all over again.”


So Mitt Romney thinks that all of the “severely conservative” positions he’s taken during this long primary fight will just go away like the drawings on an etch-a-sketch? Certainly the Romney camp realizes that many of Romney’s most problematic positions–like saying he would get rid of Planned Parenthood–are all on video right?

It’s certainly interesting that the one candidate this year who has seemingly lacked any core values, and is often criticized for flip flopping on almost every important issue, thinks you can just erase the positions he has taken during this primary season. Swing voters are not likely to forget. Positions like “self-deportation” and “getting rid of” an essential organization to women’s health are not the types of things people forget.

Check out the DNC’s new web video attacking the etch-a-sketch line. With a list of so many serious issues that Romney’s flip flopped or held extreme positions on it’s pretty insulting that he thinks he can just get a do over so easily.

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A group of brown women hold signs saying "Medicaid matters" at a protest.

Trump’s Budget Is Stunningly Cruel to Working-Class Women and Kids

The White House released Trump’s spending budget yesterday — and it calls for “unprecedented cuts to programs for poor and working-class families.”

Here are just a few of the stunningly cruel cuts Trump laid out:

$72.5 billion in cuts to programs for people with disabilities – most prominently, Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), which already gives people with disabilities the absolute bare minimum they need to live a decent standard of living. Trump’s massive cuts to SSDI break his campaign promise never to cut Social Security. $143 billion in cuts to federal student loan programs – and it would ...

The White House released Trump’s spending budget yesterday — and it calls for “unprecedented cuts to programs for poor and working-class families.”

Here are just a few of ...


Quick Hit: What Congress Has been Doing While We Were Distracted by Trump’s Tweets

Trump’s tweets are like creepy guys staring at you in the subway—wrong and disturbing, but you can’t pretend they’re not there.

Marx said that Twitter is the opiate of the masses, which is absolutely true in the case of Donald Trump.

They dominate the news cycle, with the latest outrage—and the more outrageous, the better—floating to the top of the heap.

Now on one hand, this makes sense: As multiple sources have argued, the direct-tweet-to-the-people phenomenon does represent a new development in the use of the office of the President of the United States, and it’s frankly a pretty disturbing one. Yet the structure of the news cycle is also such that we pay more attention to the outrage du jour—and less ...

Trump’s tweets are like creepy guys staring at you in the subway—wrong and disturbing, but you can’t pretend they’re not there.

Marx said that Twitter is the opiate of the masses, which is absolutely true in the ...