Sakhi summit: Preventing violence, promoting justice

Rethinking the way that organizers handle sexual assault and domestic violence is not easy work. The tools that are given to us are often tools that can also hurt us, i.e. an over reliance on the criminal justice system. If this week has shown us anything it is that sometimes the criminal justice system can’t be trusted–especially when working with communities of color–so how do we create solutions to violence that don’t simply reproduce violence?

This is the question that is being asked at the first ever Sakhi for South Asian women’s “game-changing” summit:

Preventing Violence, Promoting Justice will provide the opportunity to explore the intersections among domestic violence, immigration, economic justice, philanthropy, health and other related movements for social justice and to mobilize action between and beyond current frameworks. We want to shift the focus to our communities and create a new community-based, collaborative vision that reflects our histories and experiences!

The summit will be held on October 10th-11th in NYC. The list of speakers is also amazing. And I will moderating the morning plenary on the second day which is currently untitled but will be about changing our methodologies in how we respond to violence. If you or your organization are interested in this topic or know other people that could really benefit from what this conference has to offer–please spread the word–tickets are still on sale now.

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