Makeup, oppression and being yourself

Y’know, lately I’ve been having a conversation about the subject of *drumroll* wearing makeup. Seems simple right? To some people, apparently not.

The discussion got started when someone said that she liked to wear makeup and did it for fun on special occasions and didn’t feel like she needed it to be pretty, she just liked it. To which I said, that even Jessica Valenti herself admitted to wearing makeup and enjoying it. As long as doing something like that is really what makes you happy and you do it for that, not because you feel like you have to for some gender role demand, then more power to you. Feminism is about choice.

…apparently not…:/

Next thing I know, I am bombarded with people saying, “But what if you only THINK you like wearing makeup, and it’s REALLY part of some deep-seated psychological need to fit into the patriarchal demands of gender roles?!”

“But what if there’s someone who wears makeup because she thinks she needs it to be pretty, and sees you wearing makeup! You’ve just reinforced the oppressive values of objectifying women!”

“But what if you wear makeup because you like to and some guy sees you and thinks that it’s to attract him?! OPPREEEESSSSIIIIIIVVVVVEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!11!11!”

Okay, everyone take a frikkin’ step BACK and BREATHE.

There are plenty of reasons women do things traditionally defined as “feminine” or “oppressive.” Like wearing makeup. ( A friend of mine loves to sew. She makes her own clothes and always has the most amazing costumes.) There are plenty of wrong reasons. Like:

-Thinking you need makeup to be accepted or pretty.

-Thinking you HAVE to in order to be a woman.

-Trying to get others to like you.

-Trying to impress a guy.

But, there are also perfectly legitimate reasons. Like:

-Because you love the colors.

-Because you like experimenting with different styles and brands.

-Because you want to be a makeup artist as a profession.

-Because you just think it’s fun!

I’m AWARE that some people have image issues. I know that some people feel they need makeup in order to be “pretty” or “sexy” or “wanted.” I realize that some men will see a woman in makeup and think of her as a piece of meat. I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW.

BUT that doesn’t mean I have to throw out my personality, makeup, dresses and all,  in order to be a “real” feminist. I DO believe that feminism is about choice. Yes, there are larger issues that feminists should be concerned about. Reproductive rights. The wage gap. Oppressive religious beliefs, etc etc. But that doesn’t mean we should ignore the individual personalities that make up individual women. Expecting us all to fit into some rigid all-or-nothing mold in order to be considered a “real” feminist is just as oppressive as the patriarchy. It’s what turns people away from feminism. If women think that they have to abandon themselves and fit a strict set of rules in order to be accepted by feminism, it doesn’t look like much fun. Not to mention that just because you like to wear makeup or whatever other traditionally feminine pasttime, it doesn’t mean that you actually approve of patriarchal oppression.

Bottom line is having a choice to be who you want to be is part of what makes feminism so great. Whether you like makeup or not, you have the option. It’s the freedom to make yourself into your own kind of woman. Personally, I cannot fathom a type of feminism that doesn’t involve choice. And I certainly don’t want to be involved in a type that doesn’t.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go test out some new sparkly green eyeshadow and watch an action movie with giant robots punching each other.

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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