What We Missed

Melissa Harris-Perry’s long awaited book, Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America, is now available for pre-order. I’m really psyched for that one.

Campus Progress and Colorlines.com have teamed up to host this keynote competition for their summer national conference. Have something to say about race and young people? Enter here!

Check out this Q&A from the Dart Center with Latina author and journalist Celia Ballí about her reporting on the drug war in Mexico and the challenges of writing about traumatic events.

In case you thought gender panic didn’t exist, read about how folks have responded to a J. Crew ad where a boy painted his toenails pink. Our gender norms are strict ya’ll–especially if you’re talking about male-assigned people doing things that are considered feminine.

I wrote an article for Colorlines about the raising rate of maternal mortality in the US, how it impacts women of color and what some midwifery advocates are trying to do about it.

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