What We Missed

Another inspiring video from the Coming Out of the Shadows week. (Transcript: Music: I have a dream by Common, lyrics here)

The Arizona Senate rejected five immigration bills that would have tried to alter who can become a citizen if they are born in the US. Finally some good news from AZ (at least for now).

Three Indian doctors have been suspended after the deaths of 18 pregnant women due to being given infected IV fluids.

On being a black male feminist. Love it.

On March 31st I’ll be speaking in San Francisco as part of a Women’s Media Center fundraiser alongside Gloria Steinem, Latoya Peterson, Lena Chen and Shelby Knox. Should be an interesting conversation! Details and ticket information here.

A Democratic leader in Texas made some disgustingly homophobic and racist comments comparing LGBT folks to termites and Nazis, in addition to other horrific things. Read more here and sign this petition to have him resign.

As we are quickly learning, the GOP is only into limited government for those of us without uteruses. A new bill would require the IRS to investigate how women paid for their abortions.

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