Via Poets & Writers Magazine, check out this new writing contest targeting feminist writers.
Grants of up to $1,500 are given twice yearly to feminist writers who are citizens of the United States or Canada. The current round of grants will be awarded to fiction writers. Submit three copies of a short story or novel excerpt of up to 25 pages, a project description, a budget, and a resumé with a $20 entry fee during the month of December. Send an SASE for the required entry form and complete guidelines.
Money for Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, Individual Artist Grants for Women, P.O. Box 309, Wilton, NH 03086. Susan Pliner, Executive Director.
Women Arts, another great resource for women writers trying to subsidize their stellar work, notes that the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund doesn’t maintain an email, phone, or website. But they are totally legit and something you should do this month if you are feminist fiction writer who could use a little extra this holiday season. Happy writing!
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