What We Missed and Happy New Years!

I hope everyone has a great New Year’s. The Feministing staff will be taking the rest of the week off to celebrate the new year and close out 2010, but thanks to everyone for making this another great year for our community and we are excited about more feminist business in the new year!

Arizona moves to ban ethnic studies.

The last law officer, also a woman, in a border town in Mexico has gone missing.

Check out all the cool people guest blogging at Ta-Nehisi’s spot for the next few weeks, including our very own Ann.

Lawyers, Guns and Money asks what a post-masculinized military would look like.

Jamil Smith on why he is no longer mad ...

I hope everyone has a great New Year’s. The Feministing staff will be taking the rest of the week off to celebrate the new year and close out 2010, but thanks to everyone for making this another ...

Less than 10% of the World’s Billionaires Are Women

Various studies have been coming out over the last six months noting the gender disparity in the world’s wealthiest people. Forbes reported that of 1000 billionaires in the world only 14 are women; while TrendHunter claims that of 946 billionaires, only 86 are women, so either way it’s a range between 1 and 9 percent which is extremely low. Maybe not a surprising stat but a disappointing one nonetheless.

So what can we attribute this to? It doesn’t seem to make sense considering in the U.S. women make up more than half of the workforce and more than half of college graduates. So why is there such a large disparity in wealth?

One article I read recently talked about ...

Various studies have been coming out over the last six months noting the gender disparity in the world’s wealthiest people. Forbes reported that of 1000 billionaires in the world only 14 are women; while TrendHunter ...

GWU Allows for Gender-Neutral Dorm Rooms

George Washington University will join the ranks of 54 other colleges and universities to allow gender-neutral dorm rooms. The push was started by numerous student groups, including Allied for Pride, who advocated on behalf of LGBT students who felt these gender-specific housing rules were unfair and discriminatory. What’s cool is that the university took the students’ proposal seriously and created committees working with administration and students to make it happen.

While most students think the change in regulations is a step in the right direction, there has been pushback by conservative students concerned that this infringes on their rights. I’m not too sure of the reasoning but this male student is quoted in the Washington Post:

“This is the liberal administration ...

George Washington University will join the ranks of 54 other colleges and universities to allow gender-neutral dorm rooms. The push was started by numerous student groups, including Allied for Pride, who advocated on behalf of LGBT students ...

Three suggested tracks for Nikki Minaj after MTV’s My Time Now

This is just one part of the mini-documentary that MTV has been re-running about Nikki Minaj during the Christmas break. Along with the fact that Nikki has put on blast the “Bitches v. Bosses” double standard that occurs in the rap industry, Nikki Minaj: My Time Now, also lets us in to Nikki’s most emotional self, her most human self when she discusses her family life. Her recent album Pink Friday touches on this a little in a track “I’m the Best,” but as I watch her interviews I can’t help but want to see more of Onika Tanya Maraj, the real Nikki, in her music.

The disclosures in this mini-documentary might be a perfect transition into her ...

This is just one part of the mini-documentary that MTV has been re-running about Nikki Minaj during the Christmas break. Along with the fact that Nikki has put on blast the “Bitches v. Bosses” double standard that ...

On MTV’s special, “No Easy Decision.”

No Easy DecisionMTV Shows

Since I don’t have cable or a television, I finally got a chance to see MTV’s special last night, “No Easy Decision.” The 30 minute interview special featured three women that chose abortions, why they did it, how they felt about it the choice before and after it, focusing on one particular couple (James and Markai) as they struggled with the decision. In partnership with MTV, the amazing organization Exhale spearheaded an online campaign, “16 and Loved.”

Like most of you, I am super skeptical of MTV taking on controversial topics for anything other than the purpose of ratings and shaming tirades, but “No Easy Decision,” was actually really ...

No Easy DecisionMTV Shows

Since I don’t have cable or a television, I finally got a chance to see MTV’s special last night, “No Easy Decision.” The 30 minute interview ...

Spoken Word Artist Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai Releases New Album

Readers may remember back in 2008 when we featured a spoken word Youtube video “Black, White, Whatever…” by artist Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai that tackled identity politics and the presidential election.

Well, Tsai, a Chicago-born, Brooklyn-based, Chinese Taiwanese American has just released her second spoken word album, Further She Wrote, via Bandcamp (http://kellytsai.bandcamp.com/album/further-she-wrote), which features “Black, White, Whatever…” and other poems like “Real Women I Know,” “Letter to Lauryn Hill,” and “The Confessions of Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai” (which explores the politics of monogamy as inspired/provoked by Spike Lee’s “She’s Gotta Have It”).

The eleven poems are “Name Your Own Price” ( = free) through the end of January 2011, so I do hope that you all check it out.

Tsai ...

Readers may remember back in 2008 when we featured a spoken word Youtube video “Black, White, Whatever…” by artist Kelly Zen-Yie Tsai that tackled identity politics and the presidential election.

Well, Tsai, a Chicago-born, ...

Public internet shaming and sexism.

For those of us that have been online for a while, it is well understood that with or without a concrete reason, things spread online virally often garnering massive amounts of support in a flash, irrelevant of how serious, true or false allegations may be. You never know when you hit “publish,” what the outcome will be, what unintended consequences might come out of it and who’s gonna hate you now. This is also true for those that are “caught” doing things online and become villains overnight. It is often hard to trace the reason for why certain issues resonate and this idea of online vigilante justice is very much at the core of why many of us blog in the first ...

For those of us that have been online for a while, it is well understood that with or without a concrete reason, things spread online virally often garnering massive amounts of support in a flash, irrelevant of ...

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