What We Missed.

Elena Kagan confirmed to the Supreme Court

Elena Kagan has just been confirmed to the SCOTUS. This is the first time in history three women will serve on the Supreme Court at the same time. Sen. Chuck Schumer said “average Americans will be a step closer to once again having their voices heard in the highest court in the land.”

Let’s hope this is one of the most positive long-term effects of the Obama presidency.

Elena Kagan has just been confirmed to the SCOTUS. This is the first time in history three women will serve on the Supreme Court at the same time. Sen. Chuck Schumer said “average Americans ...

Gender essentialism is at its core maintained by violence.

Trigger Warning

This story is so deeply disturbing. A 17 month old child, Roy Jones, was murdered by his mother’s boyfriend through repeated punching and choking. The senseless act of violence was triggered by what Pedro Jones (the accused) felt was the young boy, “acting like a girl.” What it means for a child less than two years old to “act like” any gender is beyond me, since at that stage they are still developing an awareness of the world around them and not yet even how they fit into it.

It is easy to take acts of violence such as this and proclaim it a tragic instance that is not connected to a larger system of managing the gender expression ...

Trigger Warning

This story is so deeply disturbing. A 17 month old child, Roy Jones, was murdered by his mother’s boyfriend through repeated punching and choking. The senseless act of violence was triggered by what Pedro Jones ...


I’ve thought a lot about the necessity of diversifying and deepening the public conversation about sexuality, destigmatizing non-traditional relationships, breaking from the binaries of hetero and homo to acknowledge that there is so much in between. But I have to be honest, I’ve rarely thought about this facet of broadening our understanding of human sexuality:

This film is being produced by the wonderful folks at Arts Engine/ Big Mouth Films and will follow people in the asexual community and explore asexuality itself, including the reactions it elicits in people and in the media. They’re raising money on kickstarter for the editing phase now.

Read more about the Asexual Visibility and Education Network here.

I’ve thought a lot about the necessity of diversifying and deepening the public conversation about sexuality, destigmatizing non-traditional relationships, breaking from the binaries of hetero and homo to acknowledge that there is so much in between. But ...

Not Oprah’s Book Club: Where Did You Sleep Last Night?

It would be hard growing up with two writers as parents, much less two writers from vastly different race and class backgrounds, both of whom are volatile. Welcome to Danzy Senna‘s life. Senna, daughter of African American poet and political commentator Carl Senna and Irish-American poet and novelist Fanny Howe, writes of the twisted roots from which she is wrought in her powerful memoir, Where Did You Sleep Last Night? Her parents married, with high and explicitly political hopes, in 1968; just about everything that came after was a form of disappointment.

I found this “personal history”–as she dubs it–slow going at first, but it really picked up steam as Senna and her father traveled around the South looking ...

It would be hard growing up with two writers as parents, much less two writers from vastly different race and class backgrounds, both of whom are volatile. Welcome to Danzy Senna‘s life. Senna, daughter of African ...


Mad Men Midweek Fix: Christmas Comes But Once A Year

During the fourth season of Mad Men Feministing writers will offer some of our thoughts on feminist moments, scenes, and themes in the new episodes in order to start a discussion about these topics in our community. This year we’ll help you get through the middle of the week wait for the next episode. *WARNING: Lots of spoilers follow.

Glenn and Sally.

This is shaping up to be an amazing season for Sally Draper. She’s starting to grow up, and she’s learning how to be a woman from her mother’s example. We saw her imitate Betty’s stance, the slight tilt of her head, her way of speaking, and saw it work for her in getting Glenn to take action (10 year old ...

During the fourth season of Mad Men Feministing writers will offer some of our thoughts on feminist moments, scenes, and themes in the new episodes in order to start a discussion about these topics in our community. ...


I’ve thought a lot about the necessity of diversifying and deepening the public conversation about sexuality, destigmatizing non-traditional relationships, breaking from the binaries of hetero and homo to acknowledge that there is so much in between. But I have to be honest, I’ve rarely thought about this facet of broadening our understanding of human sexuality:

This film is being produced by the wonderful folks at Arts Engine/ Big Mouth Films and will follow people in the asexual community and explore asexuality itself, including the reactions it elicits in people and in the media. They’re raising money on kickstarter for the editing phase now.

Read more about the Asexual Visibility and Education Network here.

I’ve thought a lot about the necessity of diversifying and deepening the public conversation about sexuality, destigmatizing non-traditional relationships, breaking from the binaries of hetero and homo to acknowledge that there is so much in between. But ...

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