Pixar’s “Day & Night” short falls short

I went to see Toy Story 3 with my family this evening and just loved it. It was very, very sweet just like the other two.

My only qualm with the whole Pixar experience was the "Day & Night" short before Toy Story 3 began.

The short features two goofy, cartoony looking blob creatures who represent "Day" and "Night" who the audience is supposed to idendify as "male." They get riled up, competitive, agressive, and they objectify human women despite the fact that they are non-descript blob things. The general message of the short was great…the two characters, "Day" and "Night," eventually realize that their differences are beautiful and exciting and that they actually have more in common than they first thought–we shouldn’t fear the unknown or the different, but rather embrace it. And then they hug and everyone claps.

What got me was that one of the PRIMARY story elements is their objectification of women either sunbathing or splashing around and giggling in bikinis. This is their common-ground, their brotherhood. And the audience loved it, cause boys will be boys…even if they’re…blob creature things? How endearing?

I don’t know, it made me feel a bit queasy. Especially when my mom looked at me like I was some kind of freak for not laughing. Why the hell can’t we all come together and enjoy and respect eachother’s differences WITHOUT objectifying women???

Here’s a brief but offending clip from youtube.

Anyone else seen the whole thing? Thoughts?

Disclaimer: This post was written by a Feministing Community user and does not necessarily reflect the views of any Feministing columnist, editor, or executive director.

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